Wednesday 27 October 2010

Weds 27th October

Hello Jerry's friends

Jerry is now relaxing more at home. It is much better than hospital. His nieces Ann and Amy arrived this morning from Chicago for 8 days and he is very pleased to be with them. He had a good night Monday but last night was up a lot through the night. We took him out Monday in the day for a walk and he really enjoyed the beautiful autumn around here.

The Macmillan nurse (who really was as wonderful as they are described by all) has prescribed an additional nausea medication so we are hoping that it will have the desired effect. However, Jerry is still having trouble eating. He cannot take in large quantities of food at a time and so total intake is limited. That has the inevitable effect on his energy levels. After a tiring last night he has been resting a lot today.

Next Friday (Nov 5th) he will visit the local hospice for the day and the Macmillan nurse is trying to get him a placement for 2 weeks to help him pick up a bit.

All The Best
Anne x x

Sunday 24 October 2010

Sunday 24th October

Hi All

Jerry went home from hospital on Friday and was very tired when he did. Since then he has rested a lot and has picked up a bit and he is particularly glad to be home in his own bed.

He will now be visited regularly by the district nurse, Macmillan nurses and care helpers. The care team come in twice a day for a very short time but are useful markers to remind Jerry that it is mealtime.

Jerry continues to have difficulty eating. He can eat, but it is quite slow and it doesn't go down easily.

Jerry says that at the moment he is not up to receiving visitors other than those that he has been seeing recently but he hopes that this will change soon when he has rested more.

He is still enjoying BBC radio 4 - especially the History of the World in 100 objects - an excellent series that has recently finished.

Jerry asked me to say 'Thank you' for all the support he has had from all of you and that it has cheered him up a lot and made a big difference and he is thinking of you.

Regards to all
Anne x x

Thursday 21 October 2010

Thursday 21st October

Hi All

Jerry is going home tomorrow, Friday. He is relieved. He says he can have a good rest at home. He really dislikes being in the hospital now. He is disturbed so much being in the ward. I will collect a wheelchair for him in the morning so it is ready when he goes home but he does not know what time he will be discharged. He has been eating ok today, although he still is unable to eat a lot.

Best Wishes

Anne x x x

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Wednesday 20th October

Hello Everyone

Jerry has been able to eat more recently but today made a mistake and tried a hospital meal that made him throw up again. He won't do that again, he says! He has been able to eat porridge recently and I think he was encouraged by that. Luckily he is eating again and managing to keep it down. He is now preparing to go home - probably on Friday but possibly Monday. He will check tomorrow what exactly will be in place for him when he gets there ie what nursing and other support is provided. He will definitely have someone come in to prepare meals for him (starting in 2 weeks) and I will go and collect a wheelchair on Friday for him.

He is really looking forward to being home. The hospital environment just does not suit him. Also, he has very good neighbours who keep asking after him and want to help - as well as all of his friends. So he will be much better off there.

Bye to you all
Anne x x

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Tuesday 19th October

Hello everyone

I saw Jerry yesterday and he is still feeling tired. However, he is able to look after himself and walk around, although not too far. He really enjoys relaxing and listening to Radio 4 - especially the plays. He is managing to eat more now, which is good. The hospital appears to be treating his symptoms well. He is not in pain and his blood is tested regularly. They are giving him additional anti-nausea drugs too.

His main difficulty is with eating. It is slow and he often just can't 'get it down' and chewing is a problem. He has now given up all hospital food completely as it just makes him vomit, independent of his other nausea problem so we are taking in food. We have now found a new approach to help him eat which seems to be working. Hopefully, this will allow him to pick up strength through more intake.

Jerry now wants to go home. The hospital has been saying for a while that he could go home but he was not ready himself. However, he will probably now go at the end of this week. Nursing care will be in place there and those of us in York will be doing things for him initially.

His two nieces, Amy and Ann will be visiting next week from Chicago from Weds 27th Oct to Thurs Nov 4th and he is really looking forward to them visiting him.

I'll keep you posted.

Anne x x

Saturday 16 October 2010

Saturday 16th October

Hello All

After a few challenging days, Jerry has had a good day today. A few days ago, it became more and more difficult for him to eat and drink because of nausea and so he has not had a lot of intake recently. Subsequently he has been very tired. He has lost weight and this is due to both the operation and also low food intake and possible the cancer. The doctors tried him on anti-nausea drugs and the first did not work. However, today they increased the dose and he was able to keep food down. This is good progress. He is being closely monitored now. His pain is managed very well and he does not have any discomfort from that.

We go in to visit in the afternoons and take him down to the café in the wheelchair. Today, being a beautiful, mild, sunny autumn day, we took him outside and he really enjoyed that. We hope now that he will be able to continue to eat and pick up some strength. He is able to draw and listens to the radio and I just spoke to him and he was in very good spirits, having listened to an interesting radio documentary.

To all of you who have sent emails: I have printed them out for Jerry and he has really enjoyed reading them. Thanks a lot.

Anne x x

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Weds 13th October

Hi everyone

Jerry has had news about the hospice – there are no free places at present. The hospital therefore is suggesting that Jerry should think about going home. On Monday, he was definitely not ready. Today, however, I think he is more amenable. He can climb a flight of stairs and descend them so can manage the stairs in his home. He will also be able to borrow a wheel chair from the Red Cross when he goes home.

Unfortunately, yesterday Jerry began to have a pain that the doctors say is the cancer. Fortunately he is able to take opiate-based painkillers to manage it. He also had a problem eating today, feeling nauseous when he ate. He has spoken to the nurses and they have given him something to get rid of the nausea and he is eating again now. He needs to keep eating. He has lost some weight with the operation and cannot afford to lose a lot. One of the problems with eating is that the food in the hospital is very bad. He will be asking friends to bring him in different things when he visits. This way he will get the food that he feels like and is better quality and which he can eat.

At the moment he is really appreciating seeing friends and looks forward to their visits. I think it won't be too long before he goes home.

Best Wishes to all
Anne x

Saturday 9 October 2010

Saturday 9th October 2010


Jerry had his operation on October 1st and is managing to eat more now. Fortunately he did not lose loads of weight. Today, John and Liz brought him in a fish dish which he enjoyed. He was also up and about, and in the patient's room he was playing the piano (first time for years, he says). He is recovering well from the operation.

On Monday he will get news of whether his application for the recovery hospice has been successful.

Best Wishes
Anne x x x